Through Source Material I am looking to offer 1-2 hour creative well-being workshops to music. An experience driven by sounds & the opportunity to play.

Reconnecting & communicating with our authentic selves, one to one time with phones off & no distractions. Creating as a vehicle to expand your imagination, life skills & reception to wonder.

From experience I’ve found giving someone your time can be invaluable, add the element of music & this can completely transform some ones mood & outlook.

The music played could be individual albums, playlists, mixes, nature sound recordings & potentially based around a theme. Different sounds for each workshop.

It seems illogical, but to begin with we aren’t really interested in what we’re creating, getting your hands dirty & the fact we are doing is more important.

Learning about yourself through play, the opportunity to get out of your comfort zone, where real growth takes place.

Through the workshops I will be offering:


With pallet knives, brushes, mount board squares & our hands. Painting with your hands is a liberating experience & let the movements flow as they wish.

This can be on canvases, acrylic paper, newsprint, cardboard etc. Experimenting with textures & possibilities.

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Moving the pen to the sounds you hear & letting it flow out of you onto the page.

We can take the exercise one step further & not look at the page, as a way to express in the moment what cannot be put into words.

From experience repeating this exercise on a daily basis removes your inhibitions of making the wrong mark or editing before the pen has even touched the page.

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Cutting up magazines, newspapers, photographs, postcards etc. Re-imagining found items from our everyday surroundings.

Life is a collage & this exercise is an opportunity that can be a well spring of ideas for future projects.

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Rigid canvases can be used to create prints with acrylic paint, using equipment to experiment with what is creatively possible, not necessarily its intended use.

One of the many discoveries I’ve made along this journey, inspiration can come from many different sources when you’re open to what can be.

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Source_Material painting with Lego workshop photo

Creating abstract designs on Lego boards, building upon your ability to be present & in the moment..

Start making patterns, don’t be precious, create as many times as you wish. The more you repeat this exercise the more potential is literally at your fingertips.

Painting with Lego opens up immediate creative possibilities, interactivity with the bricks in your hands, the chance to rediscover play & it’s really fun.

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To finish the session we will have our own mini exhibition, helping those taking part gain confidence in creating as we’re learning to play again & share what we have made.

You may have chosen only one of the activities to explore during our initial time together, we’re not rushing anything & one step at a time.

Be inspired, create towards your own future & get ready to step into wonder.

Click here to learn more about the project